Birthday Photo Printing on Metal, Glass, Hardboard & Ceramic

Birthday Photos Printed on Premium Photo Panels

Give a unique birthday gift this year with a personalized birthday photo printed on our premium sublimation media. Metal Photos make great birthday gifts that look amazing and last a lifetime. We offer a wide selection of metal photo panels, glass photo panels, hardboard photo panels along with a whole selection of personalized small items for gifts.

Celebrate those joyful memories everyday with our high-quality customized birthday photo prints.  Capture your baby’s 1st birthday or even 16th birthday and display beautifully for years to come.  Why take those photos and let them sit on your phone or computer?

Show off your birthday photo panel on metal, glass or hardboard and remember how quickly those little ones sure do grow.  Be that special friend, that everyone is raving about, by delivering a unique and personal photo tile as a birthday gift.  The perfectly unique gift for those hard to buy individuals.  Make every birthday extra special with Maize Ink!

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